Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Beginnings

This is a blog that recounts the stories of the dear Potato by the name of Jimmy.
He says "Hello!" by the way...
A little back story. Before you ask if he's from Idaho, we will get to the later. I promise.
He honestly doesn't open up much about his past. For all we know he could come from a circus where he was abused by clowns... not saying all clowns are bad. But some are really scary, you know?!
Jimmy is really sweet. Always smiling, that kind soul. He enjoys jazz and swing music, and classic novels. ( He's a closet Jane Austen fan.. but I am totally not the one that told you guys). He loves a good spot of tea, but doesn't mind the occasional cup of coffee.
He absolutely loves to go on little adventures; like walks in the woods, the random drives, and shenanigans in Walmart. His biggest dream is to one day own a monocle and top hat and be referred to as Sir Jimmy the Potato.
I hope and pray that as this blog continues and his stories unravel that you enjoy Jimmy as much as we. :)

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