Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Jimmy's First Adventure

       Jimmy woke up this morning with the plan to go on a pleasant walk amongst the outdoors. He put on his coat. He put on his wool scarf that was given to him a Christmas. It is actually quite ugly, and Jimmy doesn't exactly fancy it, but it was warm. You cannot deny a warm, cozy scarf. And lastly, Jimmy put on his wool cap which is actually quite lovely.
      Jimmy opened the front door only to close it again. There was weird white stuff all over the ground!! Jimmy had never seen snow. He was unable to form a proper thought. This white stuff was cold, but very captivating and beautiful.

      Ah. Thought Jimmy The snow is an oxymoron. 
      Jimmy smiled to himself. He'd have to remember to write that thought down later. It seemed to make for perfect poetry.
      After gathering his potato bearings, Jimmy finally opened the door once more and step gingerly outside.
      Jimmy decided, after looking about himself in amazement, that he must dance in the snow while singing a song of importance.
     So Jimmy danced and twirled through the snow and if you listened hard enough, you could hear a song coming out of his little potato vocal chords.
     "The hills are aliiiive with the sound of musiiiiiiiic!!!"
     Not surprisingly, Jimmy soon ran out of breath. Jimmy doesn't have a very great stamina, but he's only a potato, so what do you expect? Even at that, Jimmy is a very fit potato, so the stamina he does have is quite extraordinary for one of his species.
      Jimmy plopped down on the snow-covered ground and made himself a snow angel. (Is it just me or does that sound suspiciously like a rap lyric?) 

       Jimmy's snow angel was a work of art. It was so beautiful that he named it. Then he remembered The Weeping Angels from Doctor Who and the angel was suddenly quite scary! 
       After staring at his angel for many long minutes, Jimmy became quite cold. He decided that it was time to go inside (even if it meant potentially being touched by a Weeping Angel). 
        Jimmy had a lovely adventure in the oxymoronic snow, and it was time for him to sit down by the fire and read a book of mighty length. 

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