Thursday, February 12, 2015

Jimmy's Morning Routine

     Jimmy wakes up each morning at precisely 6:22. He has tried many times to wake up before or after 6:22 in the morning, but it's simply impossible. Like most potatoes, his internal alarm clock cannot be altered. So, he's been waking up at 6:22 since the day he was...born?
    The first thing Jimmy does each morning is his yoga. Even before he brushes his teeth or gets dressed, Jimmy can be found doing his morning yoga routine.

     After yoga, Jimmy brushes his teeth, and gets dressed.
     When he picks out the perfect outfit, Jimmy then has his morning cup of coffee and reads the paper. He prefers The Potato Times, but he'll often read The Hash Brown Daily if he's in the mood for something a bit more controversial.
      When Jimmy cooks his breakfast, he turns up "Good Morning" by Mandisa and dances about his humble kitchen.
       "Good morning!!!!!" He'll sing at the top of his little potato vocal cords as he flips his pancakes or scrambles his eggs!

       He eats at his potato-sized table with his potato-sized plate and utensils as the regular-sized sun shines through the nearby window(It really is a wonder he hasn't become a baked potato after all these years).
       After breakfast, Jimmy pulls out a book no shorter than 330 pages, and reads what he can before he has to leave for work.

       Since it's the winter season, he puts on his coat, his ugly wool scarf, and his lovely cap, and heads outside to his Potatomobile...and off to work he goes!